
July 31, 2011

I decided not to do flowers in my window boxes this year.  Instead I did 2 kinds of coleus,  2 different potato vines, and ice moss.  The coleus in the middle of the box is called "chocolate mint."  Sounds like you can lick it, eh?
I love the colours together -- lime and dark burgundy/purple/black.

September 19, 2010
The Fall Garden

The  Burning Bush. 
This red might be my favourite colour.....

Fountain Grass. 
Looks like a fuzzy little caterpillar.
I love the golden colour.  It started out a dark purple in the spring....

More fountain grass.  Different angle.

August 4 -- a beautiful morning, with the garden in full bloom.  What a great way to start the day -- camera and flowers.....

My minuet hydrangea.  I love this pink.

Purple phlox

purple coneflower

candycane rose.  amazing!

and this one is my favourite.  It's a morning glory.  Something about the morning light on this one...  U think it gives hope for the day.

Favourite Gardening Garden Claw .  You just stick the claw part in the ground and twist.  It breaks up the earth and makes pulling weeds sooo easy.  I would not garden without one.

My new favourite tool (but don't tell DH, he thinks I'm still ticked that this was my Christmas gift....) is my Gator.  I can fill the box with weeds, or mulch, or tools and drive all over the estate to get my gardening done.  And's sooo fun!