Wednesday, December 5, 2012


It has been a crazy week.  I've had some issues and they are dragging me down.

Part 1
I have an eternally optimistic happy friend who yesterday promised me that "there is a silver lining," and "this too shall pass."  Then I talked to someone who assured me that "this is only going to get worse" and I should "learn to deal with difficult people, cause there are lots of them and sometimes they have it out for you."
So I went to my lovely, optimistic friend and I said to her, "You lied to me.  This is bad, and it will get worse.  There is no silver lining. So there.  I am going to my office to wallow in self doubt and pity."  And I did.

Part 2
I don't watch a lot of TV, but my one constant show is the Young and the Restless.  I confess.  I DVR it, but I still only see it about twice a week.  That however, is enough to keep me up to date.  On Y&R Sharon has recently discovered that she has a mental illness.  Her therapist told her that sometimes [crazy people] find a touchstone helpful and calming.  A touch stone is an item, or piece of music or video that they continually go back to for grounding.

Part 3
It's possible that I am in need of a touchstone.  My lovely optimistic friend showed me a video clip from you tube this week that I have now watched 12 times.  I am going to watch it again when I put the link here, and probably again before bed.  It makes me happy.  It is calming.  It is my new touchstone.  I think you will like it to -- you don't have to be going nuts to appreciate the magic.  Enjoy.

Part 4
My lovely optimistic friend also delivered gluten free one-bite brownies to my door.  They can't be a touchstone -- I ate the bag already.

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