Sunday, June 9, 2013

a perfect day

Today was a near perfect day.

Went to church.  Spirit renewed.
Went riding with Zoey.  Spirit refreshed.
Worked in the garden.  Found my zen.
Snuggled on the couch with the kittens.  Calmed my soul.
Had bonfire supper with the family.  Fed my soul, and self.
Went for a bike ride with girl.   (This is where the perfect got a bit messed up.)

As we rounded the corner on our bike ride I noticed a big black cat (with a dead mouse in it's mouth) cross the sidewalk in front of us.  I thought to myself, "how close does a black cat need to be to you when it crosses your path to have bad luck?"  Then my thinker said back, "probably a lot closer than that."


Literally the nano-second after I had those thoughts Girl fell off her bike.  Just wobbled and wiggled and lost her balance.  She wasn't seriously hurt, but left a lot of skin on the sidewalk.  She was a good sport about it, but those multiple scrapes really hurt.  We biked back home, cleaned wounds and let the kittens cheer her up.

The end of my near perfect day?
Blogging time.  Rejuvenates the creative juices.

See you soon.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

the beasts at shady lane

This is Lucy.

This is her twin sister, Ruby.  The only way to tell them a part is that Ruby has 4 whisker freckles in a line on each side of her nose.  Lucy's whisker freckles are in a triangle instead of a line, and there are 5 of them.

You will notice that Ruby's left eye looks a bit weird.  Turn out both kitties has some bacterial infection in their eyes. It got both of Lucy's eyes.  So I took them to the vet for medication and advice.  I picked up an ointment to put in their eyes.  It has to be done 3 times a day for 14 days...
Every try to get ointment in a kitten's eyes?  You would swear you are wresting an ocotopus.  Boy usually holds them, and I try to get the stuff in the eyes without poking them with the tube.  We both end up covered in hair, and sweating from the effort.  It is really quite a production.  How can a kitten weighting 1.4 lbs be so strong, and flexible, and scary?

And this is Smoke our other creature.  He doesn't need eye goop so I love him best right now.  But his litter box does take longer to clean out...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Look who's here, mom!

I was away at a conference for one night and a day.
When I got home, guess who was here to meet me....

Two new friends.

I didn't exactly know they were coming, but they are too cute to kick out.

No names yet, I'll let you know when we've settled on names that suit.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

We had this great kitty, named Rocky. Sometimes Rocko or Rockster, or Rockstar.  Sometimes Dumbass or Ding Dong.

He thought he was a tiger or at the very least, a jungle kitty.

Right from the start he got himself into all kinds of trouble....

He loved water.

Rocky thought he was really good at hiding.

He also thought he was human.

If you go to "google images" and type "google kitty" he's there.  Rocky on the web.

Well Tuesday night we lost our little buddy.  He was hit by a car on the road.  We've found him a final resting place under the tree he used to climb in the back yard.  The crew here at Shady Lane is pretty sad, and will be for awhile.
It just isn't the same around here without him.  He didn't flop down on the carpet with a "murr"  (not a meow) while we watched TV.  He didn't climb on my pillow to get me up after the alarm this morning.  DH didn't have anyone following him to the bathroom looking for treats. And Boy and Girl didn't have him to greet them when they got off the bus today.
Our fuzzy buddy is missed.

God speed, Rocky.  We miss you.