Here are your clues....
I came home from work yesterday to find the following items spread down the length of my hallway
Item #1 -- a clean pair of DHs work socks, unfolded, wrinkled a bit. The pair was not together
Item #2 -- a shoe lace from a hockey skate
Item #3 -- a skateboard
Item #4 -- the cat's harness and leash
Can you guess?
I wish I had a photo, but since I don't I will describe to you exactly how the above mess was explained to me in my conversation with Girl and DH.
Me: What's with the stuff in the hall?
Girl: Me and Dad were playing with Rocky.
Me: Where's Rocky now?
DH: We think he's hiding.
Me: Should I be worried about him? Did you tie him up or something?
Girl: Not really. But he liked what we did.
Me: Not really????
DH: Well, he went skateboarding.
Me: (my voice is rising) Skateboarding?
DH: He was safe, and he might of liked it.
Girl: (interrupting) We tied the string to the front of the skateboard. And put the leash on Rocky.
Me: Uh huh....
DH: The silly cat didn't seem to mind.
Me: And the socks?
Girl: He was safe. We tied dad's socks around his head so if he crashed it wouldn't hurt.
DH: Like a little helmet. He liked it.
Girl: Yeah. He liked it. He didn't move 'til I walked away from the board. He just sat there. He liked it.
Me: (Thinking.) I'll bet he was wishing he had on his cool blue argyle t-shirt, cause that would be totally rad!
if only a video had been taken! maybe next time.