Monday, September 10, 2012

As essay about Girl

...well, an essay about Girl and Me.

I'm using the term essay 'cause I sense this might be a long post.  I'm warning you now so that if you have better things to do than ponder my life (mine and Girl's) then you may want to skiddaddle and do that something else that awaits.

When Girl was born I had secret wish that she would grow up to love horses and riding.  I didn't tell anyone, but my heart sang out loud when she first asked if she could take riding lessons.

I have loved horses my whole life.  From about the age of 20 until Girl took an interest a few years ago, I just kept my passion tucked away.   I love going with Girl to the stable.

Sometimes my job is not very nice.  I love what I do but there are just some days that are difficult.  For example, the other day I had to assist CAS as they apprehended a child into foster care for abuse and neglect in the home.   I did what I had to do, but there is just no good in that.

Sometimes shovelling the sh*& at the barn is preferable to shovelling the other kind I occasionally have to deal with.

I also think that it is an honour to serve the great horse(s) in front of me.  To provide a creature with comfort and companionship (and truthfully, receive the same in return) can only be called an honour.

I think Girl would say the same here -- the barn makes even the worst day better.  It doesn't take long after I've picked up a curry comb to find that the worries of the day are gone.  I wonder if the gals who work in the stable realize that they have the best job in the world?

And so, this need of mine to be part of the equine world led to finding a beautiful quarter horse for Girl.  For now, we are leasing him to see if he will be a good "fit" for Girl, but I don't think it will be long before we discover that the fit is perfect.  I  might love him already.  His barn name is Smoke.  The photo above is Girl taking him to the ring for her first ride.  It doesn't look like it in the picture, but she really is floating.  Smoke was a complete surprise to her.  I couldn't help crying when I saw her face when she realized that he was for her.

I'm a little weepy now thinking about it.

Smoke will give her so much.  She can't even possibly begin to imagine how he will affect her life.  I know it, because I lived it my Appaloosa some 20 years ago.  I know because already I see what C and her stable have done for my Girl.  She has learned responsibility, compassion, caring, sportsmanship, facing frustration and defeat, courage and strength.  Learned these things from C and her horses in a way that I could not teach alone.

I look forward to our time with Smoke -- I think maybe he is as good for my heart and spirit as for Girl's.


  1. I should have taken your advice and skiddledaddled to do my mundane things....since I didn't I now sit with tears in my eyes! Happy tears but yet tears. I am sooo happy for girl (and you)!! K
