I love my jeep. I can't post a picture 'cause DH would never allow a photo of a dirty vehicle, and mine definitely needs to meet the powerwasher soon. My jeep is a "non-colour" beige. Nothing special, except that I rely on it to help me run my life. It has never let me down (touch wood) and is always ready to roll. Currently there are 2 mismatched Barbie shoes, a granola bar wrapper, Nintento DS game case, dolly blanket and empty water bottle rolling around on the floor of the back seat. Front seat only has empty CD case and pen out of place. In the bull-pen at the back there is everything a busy sports mom needs -- rubber backed blanket for watching ball games in the rain, warm fleece for cold hockey arenas (I'll need that next week), enviro-grocery bags, umbrella (also for ball game rain outs), first aid kit, and baby wipes (for sticky fingers and faces). It tells the story of my days, and helps prepare me for the next one.
Recently I've become sentimental about my mode of transport. DH has been talking about looking for a new vehicle for me. Jeep Jeep is nearing 300 000 km and he says this is her last winter. I know that this is a practical decision, but somehow I've adopted the male trait of seeing some human qualities in my vehicle. I mean my body is a bit rusty and not as firm and shiny as it used to be, and I've got many K on me too. I'd hate to think of being traded just because I'm nearing a number (and I am...)
DH says we've been together over 20 years, think of how many vehicles he's had in that time. Problem is, I don't know if I should take that as a compliment, or warning....
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